Sure .... you say you would have acid poured in your eyeballs than read a government publication but the truth is it is I highly recommend reading this amazing free resource. Please oh please read it, I am not saying you have to memorize it, just read it. I guarantee you have some question now that can be answered in it.
What is the AIM? It is the Aeronautical Informational Manual and it contains basic flight information and ATC procedures required to fly in the US, it also contains items of interest to pilots. Stuff affecting safety, the pilot/controller glossary,info on safety and how to report accidents and hazards, stuff about charts, services available to us, etc.
Before my having my daughter when I was an instructor I used to read it every Jan! Yes I did have a lot of time on my hands, mostly I read it on the jumpseat (stewardess jumpseat that is) or on airport delays so it was easy then. Truth is since 2004 I have not, sure I am always looking up stuff in it, but read it front to back, no.
Except this year, I have decided to read it 30 min a day and will blog what I learned from it. Something like a New Year's resolution.