Monday, January 03, 2011

What I learned about flying in 2010

Happy New Year!! 
Here are 3 examples of what I learned in 2010. There were so many lessons, but I tried to hit the major ones for me. Sometimes the lessons are that I will NEVER do "that" again. 
These, however, are the positive lessons I learned.
  1. "Do or do not there is no try" - yoda (yes I am a Star Wars dork)  I learned not to make excuses about the time I have able  from a student (now pilot) who is a mother of 3 small children. How in the world she was able to study, come to lessons and give her best with all the responsibilities she has at home, I don't know?! Oh did mention her family was moving out of the country too? Often I say to myself  there is no time to study,  but I do have 30 min every day, it is just a matter of making a commitment.
  2. You can sabotage your progress. I flew  with another person this year that I believe is one of the best student pilots I have ever flown with. He was a flight instructor's dream student always prepared, safe and excited about learning. The only snag was he was really hard on himself, I completely identify with that. When anyone wants to do their best, they are disappointed when it doesn't go well.  That can slow down the process, unnecessarily. I am definitely working on that in 2011.
  3. All things are possible if you persevere . There are so many plateaus in learning how to fly  it is my favorite parts of teaching. To see pilots overcome hurdles and become better pilots/people for it. It is VERY easy to quit and make excuses, might it takes a special person to be positive about their challenges and grow from it! On a selfish note, when I have a flying type obstacle and overcome it, it is rewarding to think I calmly handled the situation and it turned out great. That is the goal right?!
 My favorite flying magazine, Flight Training has a motto - a good pilot is alway learning-
I'll second that.